Butterfly pea flower tea is a naturally blue tea that is packed with antioxidants and proven to stabilize blood sugar levels. The flavor is light and subtle, lending itself perfectly to an oat milk latte.
Butterfly Pea Flower Lattes
2 tsp butterfly pea flower tea*
3 1/2 cups hot water
2 tsp agave
1 cup oat milk
1. Brew the tea in hot water for 5-8 minutes; the longer you brew, the deeper the color.
2. Froth or foam the oat milk using your desired method. Add a little bit of the tea to the milk to give the milk a blue hue.
3. Add the agave to the remaining tea. Pour the tea into two cups, then top with your oat milk.
*I used Butterfly Pea Flower Tea from And That’s the Tea. I highly recommend their product because it is high quality and they pack the jar to the brim!
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